Sold on All Things French

I think one of the things I like most about travel is seeing how different things are to the way I do things “back home.” That’s fascinating whether it’s the public toilets, fitting rooms in dress boutiques, how you pay your bill in a restaurant and only about a million other amusing, interesting and intriguing differences to how we all do the same thing.

My French language skills are so rusty you can hear them creaking from a block away but even so I know that Soldes doesn’t mean that the item shown in the display case window has already been sold (it means Sale) but that doesn’t stop me from doing a double-take every time I see the word! 

My first reaction is still: Why are they advertising that if it’s no longer available?

How about you? Any amusing anecdotes or impressions you have when you travel?

The Dogged Pursuit of Companionship

Can you imagine the patience of this little fellow to wait for however long his mistress needs to do her shopping?

I’m not sure why I’m so fascinated with les chiens d’Aix-en-Provence. Maybe because it’s so unusual for me to see these dogs enjoying this amazing city right along with their owners instead of being cooped up in apartments or houses tucked away in subdivisions which is where mine spends 99% of her life.

Are they just amazingly well-behaved?

Oh, “Sugar” gets the odd walk now and then (and if you knew my dog you’d know how close to the truth that statement cuts) but to imagine doing my shopping or stopping for a cup of coffee with a friend and bringing her along with me? Well, I love seeing that in a perfect world it can actually happen and thought you might too.

This petit garçon is “helping” walk the family dog with his hand on the leash

I wanted to do a post on les chats of Aix too but have been reliably informed that one of the main reasons I haven’t seen a single cat yet on my visit here is because they live on the rooftops of Aix and rarely if ever touch paw to cobblestone!

Still, I’m on the lookout for them and will post straightaway when and if I ever find the little furry French dears. Meanwhile, do you take your pets out with you wherever you go? Love to hear how that works “back home!”