Every village has its secrets

Against the backdrop of springtime in Provence, a series of malicious poison-pen letters against her best friend Grace leads ex-pat Maggie Newberry to a remote rural village in France—and into a vortex of revenge, spite…and murder.  When the cheese seller of a small local village is found shot by a WWII pistol, an easy scapegoat is soon found in the form of another friend on the strength of the lies in the hateful letters. Maggie has lived in Provence long enough to know that village life is built on gossip and nurtured resentments for the least perceived slight—especially from an outsider.  

Determined to clear her friend, Maggie will have to painfully step on toes, infuriate the local police, and eventually reveal a shameful decades-old village grievance in order to uncover the truth.

And pray she does it in time.

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